Executive Director’s Journal

NAREE is all about making connections. Join NAREE to find out what’s happening with journalists who cover real estate from round the country. NAREE is the only professional association for media covering real estate — both commercial and residential. Connect with me on Linked: Search Mary Doyle-Kimball or click this link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-doyle-kimball-54b72b6.

Follow NAREE on X (@NAREEnews), Instagram (instagram.com/NAREEnews), and Facebook (fb.com/NAREEnews). Look for the latest news about NAREE including posts on NAREE events, contests, and conferences. I hope you'll “like" what you see.


Besides online connection opportunities, NAREE sends members the NAREE e-News, the digital NAREE News, an annual Network directory in digital form, and posts the digital directory and digital annual Conference Program Book in the Members Only section of naree.org. Conference attendees also get a published paper copy of NAREE’s Conference Program Book.

NAREE welcomes information on job changes, stories about how to cover housing and commercial real estate, and how to track down sources online. To submit information, please contact me at mdkimball@naree.org.

In the Directory and Conference Program Book, NAREE leaders write about news industry trends and share skill-sharpening tips. And speaking of job changes, don’t forget to use NAREE’s Job Board here on naree.org to post a job opening.

NAREE membership is also about face-to-face contact – either on screen or in person, when possible. NAREE plans events in different cities each year when members gather to cover industry events and during NAREE's own annual conference.

NAREE’s 59th Annual Conference will be held June 16-19 in New Orleans at the Hotel Monteleone in the historic French Quarter.

NAREE's annual conference makes it easy to network with colleagues and to keep abreast of residential and commercial real estate industry trends and best practices for real estate journalism coverage.

Updates and breaking news from real estate economists, CEOs, top brokers, home builders, developers, urban planners and analysts are part of the industry trends portion of the conference.

NAREE University, held at the annual conference, is designed to provide peer-to-peer professional development. Award winners tell their back stories and editors and reporters debate limits on social media and myriad timely topics to help journalists do their jobs better, NAREE also has held several NAREE University Live virtual workshops. That content is under Members Only.

Whether you’re covering luxury homes, green building or affordable housing; or new trends in office buildings, multi-family, hotels; or buying, selling or mortgage trends, NAREE is a network of journalists. Join to start the conversation or get help on a deep dive. NAREE provides a forum for veterans to get together to compare notes and mentor those new-to-the-beat.

NAREE's Journalism Competition winners are celebrated at NAREE’s annual conference. Contest results are posted after the conference on naree.org. NAREE’s Real Estate Journalism Competition entry deadline is March 1. The entry portal opens Feb 1. and has 30 categories.

NAREE, an association of active members – reporters, writers, columnists editors and producers working in the broad field of real estate – includes both staffers and freelancers working for bona fide news outlets. NAREE also offers associate membership to communications professionals and writers who work for association and industry publications. Join or renew today.

Questions – please contact me anytime at mdkimball@naree.org


I look forward to hearing from you, 

Mary Doyle-Kimball

NAREE Executive Director and 1994 NAREE President